


Marines will now shoot an exposed enemy target marked with lethal zones for the head and chest, instead of the standard 'able' or 'dog' targets.

'There have been quite a few significant… changes. The sitting position is no longer used in the rifle qualification course of fire,' Brown said in the release. 'The prohibition of artificial supported positions has been removed, and the shooter can use artificial support throughout. They can use barricades, bipods, magazines or even a backpack.'

During firing, Marines will no longer mark the target after each shot; instead, the shooter will fire all rounds in the time allotted. The longest firing period is 45 seconds at the 500-yard line for five shots; the shortest is three seconds to perform a headshot from the 25-yard line.







A metal or plastic ammunition container, which is fitted to a gun and designed to feed the rounds directly into the breech.


The basic combat load for issue is seven magazines with 210 rounds of 5.56 per soldier.
