


Three AAVs and a rescue boat were in the water Thursday night conducting amphibious training between 1,000 and 2,000 yards from San Clemente Island, Lt. Gen. Joseph Osterman, commanding general of I Marine Expeditionary Force, said during the press conference.

When one of the AAVs began taking on water on its way back to the ship, the troops aboard signaled the rest of the unit and immediate response was provided by the rescue boat and two other vehicles.

Eight Marines were rescued, but one later died from his injuries. The Marine Corps has not released his identity, pending 24 hours of family notification. Two other Marines who made it out of the vehicle are undergoing treatment at Scripps Memorial Hospital and the other five have returned to their ship.


陸戰隊第1遠征軍指揮官奧斯特曼中將於新聞發布會表示,3 輛兩棲突擊車及1艘搜救艇於週四晚間,在距聖克萊門特島1千至2千碼海域執行兩棲訓練。

其中1艘兩棲突擊車於返回艦艇途中,車上官兵在一開始進水時,就向其餘一同出勤的任務編組發出信號,搜救艇及另2 艘突擊車立即採取應處作為。

8名陸戰隊員獲救,但有1 員後來傷重不治。陸戰隊於事發24小時內經家屬確認後,才會公布其身分。其他2名脫離該突擊車的陸戰隊員,刻正於斯克里普斯紀念醫院接受治療,另5名已返回艦艇。



Amphibious assault vehicles.


The AAV, initially fielded in 1972, remains the primary general-support armored personnel carrier for U.S. Marines.
