最美王妃還有她!摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo不只身世顯赫,還是關心社會議題的記者

摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo
摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo

SAINT-MAXIMIN-LA-SAINTE-BAUME, FRANCE - SEPTEMBER 21: Pierre Casiraghi and girlfriend Beatrice Borromeo attend the Religious Wedding Of Prince Felix Of Luxembourg and Claire Lademacher at Basilique Sainte Marie-Madeleine on September 21, 2013 in Saint-Maximin-La-Sainte-Baume, France. (Photo by Dominique Charriau/WireImage)

她,是葛麗絲凱莉王妃(Grace Kelly)的孫媳婦,但是她不被貴族身份束縛,從求學、工作到婚姻,她都依然是她自己——Beatrice Borromeo。


摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo
摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo


摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo
摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo


摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo
摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo


今年正式成為義大利頂級珠寶Buccellati品牌大使的Beatrice Borromeo,特別在羅馬這座對她與Buccellati都別具意義的城市拍攝形象廣告,她曾在羅馬從事記者生涯並拍攝紀錄片,她不像一般皇室貴族成員的生涯規劃幾乎都是回到家族工作,而是在米蘭博科尼大學畢業後,繼續深造並取得哥倫比亞大學新聞碩士學位,並運用自己的新聞專業持續關注弱勢孩童、環保與政治等議題,甚至在嫁入摩納哥王室之後,她還是繼續自己的記者生涯,不讓身份角色的轉變,影響她對人生的追求。


摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo
摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo

VENICE, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 01: Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice Casiraghi are seen during the 74. Venice Film Festival on September 1, 2017 in Venice, Italy. (Photo by Jacopo Raule/GC Images,)

摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo
摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo

MONTE-CARLO, MONACO - MAY 18: Pierre Casiraghi and wife Beatrice Casiraghi attends the Alberta Ferretti Cruise 2020 Collection At Monaco Yacht Club on May 18, 2019 in Monte-Carlo, Monaco. (Photo by Arnold Jerocki/Getty Images)

儘管Beatrice Borromeo嫁給了摩納哥王子Pierre Casiraghi,但這可不是又一個麻雀變鳳凰的故事,Beatrice Borromeo本身就有超狂的身世,她出自義大利古老的Borromeo貴族家族,主要經營金融與地產事業,更曾出過七位紅衣主教,可說是勢力相當龐大的家族。

此外,Beatrice Borromeo的三位姊姊更分別嫁給石油大亨、德國親王、FIAT集團總裁⋯⋯她的舅舅更曾經是Valentino的總裁。

摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo
摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo

MONACO, MONACO - MARCH 30: Beatrice Casiraghi and Pierre Casiraghi attend the Rose Ball 2019 To Benefit The Princess Grace Foundation In Monaco on March 30, 2019 in Monaco, Monaco. (Photo by SC Pool - Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images)


摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo
摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo

SAINT-MAXIMIN-LA-SAINTE-BAUME, FRANCE - SEPTEMBER 21: Pierre Casiraghi and girlfriend Beatrice Borromeo attend the Religious Wedding Of Prince Felix Of Luxembourg and Claire Lademacher at Basilique Sainte Marie-Madeleine on September 21, 2013 in Saint-Maximin-La-Sainte-Baume, France. (Photo by Dominique Charriau/WireImage)

摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo
摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo

MONTE-CARLO, MONACO - MAY 26: Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice Casiraghi attends the F1 Grand Prix of Monaco on May 26, 2019 in Monte-Carlo, Monaco. (Photo by Arnold Jerocki/FilmMagic)

身材高挑、姿態優雅的Beatrice Borromeo,更懂得如何挑選符合自己個人特質的服裝,不論是出席何種場合,都能夠看到她完美的時尚搭配技巧。


摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo
摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo

ANGERA, ITALY - AUGUST 01: Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice Borromeo are seen on August 1, 2015 in ANGERA, Italy. (Photo by JacopoR/PierreS/GC Images)

摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo
摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo

ANGERA, ITALY - AUGUST 01: Pierre Casiraghi and Beatrice Borromeo are seen on August 1, 2015 in ANGERA, Italy. (Photo by JacopoR/PierreS/GC Images)

便如同許多現代女性,Beatrice Borromeo不因步入婚姻,便放棄自己的理想,而是努力在家庭與事業之間取得平衡,她現在是兩個孩子的母親,也同樣努力透過自己的影響力來推廣義大利的藝術與文化,讓人看到新世代的王妃如何在傳統與現代社會當中,扮演完美的角色。

摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo
摩納哥王妃Beatrice Borromeo

MONACO - NOVEMBER 19: Beatrice Casiraghi and her son Maximilian Casiraghi attend Monaco National Day Celebrations on November 19, 2018 in Monte-Carlo, Monaco. (Photo by Arnold Jerocki/Getty Images)



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