
The woman in Leonardo da Vinci’s paintings is Empress Wu (Wu Zetian).Specific analysis as follows:

The Last Supper depicts the power struggle between Emperor Li Zhi and Empress Wu Zetian.

Color is a very important hint. In the center of the picture.The man and woman in red and blue robes were a couple. Red yellow and blue are the three primary colors. The combination of red and blue is actually alluding to yellow.Yellow is the special color for Chinese emperors.The dress means their identitythey are an emperor and an empress. The “God” Emperor Li Zhi was in poor health . The royal court was full of disputes and conflicts about the arrangement after his death.




Mona Lisa is a close-up of Wu Zetian when Li Zhi died. The black clothing implies Chinese traditional white funeral clothing. Empress Wu Zetian has a complex because she should maintain the sorrow at the funeral but she was really happy for her time was comingat the same time she was observing all changes and planning the future in her heart .

Mona Lisa《蒙娜麗莎》是李治駕崩時,武則天的特寫。黑色的服裝暗指中國傳統白色的喪服。丈夫去世後的她本應悲傷,但又充滿喜悅,因為屬於她的時代終於要到了,而葬禮上的她必須不動聲色(心中暗喜,卻要維持著葬禮上應有的哀傷),同時心裡還著下一盤大棋,謀劃著自己的未來,才會流露出如此複雜,常人難以理解的表情。她的背後是萬里江山,顯示了她想要獨坐天下的野心。

The Virgin of the Rocks depicts the situation after Li Zhi ’s death.Black clothes means Wu Zetian’s husband Li Zhi was diesbut she has not yet become the empress.

At this timeWu Zetian has two sons and a daughter. The two babies in the picture refer to Li Xian and Li Dan controlled by Wu Zetian.They were incompetent puppets and pushed to the throne then abolished by their mother.The naked image means their incompetenceweakness and have no power.

The girl means Princess Taiping. She was more mature and powerful than her brothers. From the body language and color of clothes it is obvious that she was very active in politics and had the ambition to be an empress.




Leda and the Swan depict the relationship between Wu Zetian and her lovers.

After Wu Zetian became the empress she created an institution called ” Cranes Bureau” to recruit beautiful men for enjoyment. Birds are used to refer to beautiful men. The birds in the picture are Wu Zetian’s famous lovers.

The big goose in the picture is Xue Huaiyi he is Wu Zetian’s first lover. He was very powerful and ambitious made many changes at that time. The forces opposing Wu Zetian are afraid of himeven included Wu Xiantian’s two sons (the two babies in the picture).

The other birds in the picture refer to Wu Zetian’s other lovers including the two Zhang’s brothers. These loves have very different personalities and behaviors from Xue Huaiyi. They are all docile and obedient.






Lady with an Ermine depict the relationship between Wu Zetian and Di Renjie(狄仁傑). The ermine was used to imply Di Renjie for two reasons. FirstDi Renjie is called ”Old Fox” by Wu Zetian. The animals in the painting are similar to the prototype.SecondDi Rrenjie has a story of giving ermine to his servant. Di Renjie was loyal to Wu Zetian but still wants to restore the Tang Dynasty. So the ermine showed the loyalty and bravery to protect his master but have different opinions with the womanit wanted to break free and make changes.





This is just a preface. I will announce more important issues later. Stay tuned for the next article.Thanks for reading.


圖一:The Last Supper
圖二:Mona Lisa
圖三:The Virgin of the Rocks]