
A man dressed as Batman sits on a motorcycle as filming continues in Glasgow for a new movie for the Batman superhero franchise. (Photo by Andrew Milligan/PA Images via Getty Images)
A man dressed as Batman sits on a motorcycle as filming continues in Glasgow for a new movie for the Batman superhero franchise. (Photo by Andrew Milligan/PA Images via Getty Images)



A man rides in a racing car as filming continues in Glasgow for a new movie for the Batman superhero franchise. (Photo by Andrew Milligan/PA Images via Getty Images)
A man rides in a racing car as filming continues in Glasgow for a new movie for the Batman superhero franchise. (Photo by Andrew Milligan/PA Images via Getty Images)


A City of Gotham number plate is fitted on a car during filming in Glasgow for a new movie for the Batman superhero franchise. (Photo by Andrew Milligan/PA Images via Getty Images)
A City of Gotham number plate is fitted on a car during filming in Glasgow for a new movie for the Batman superhero franchise. (Photo by Andrew Milligan/PA Images via Getty Images)

電影目前正在知名的格拉斯哥大墓園(Necropolis Cemetery)取景拍攝,地點位於格拉斯哥市西北方,而現場道具車也都換上了高譚市車牌。在拍攝現場上,也可以看到替身演員騎著蝙蝠機車,一路穿過這座維多利亞時期的雄偉墓園。

A man dressed as Batman during filming at the Glasgow Necropolis cemetery for a new movie for the surperhero franchise. (Photo by Andrew Milligan/PA Images via Getty Images)
A man dressed as Batman during filming at the Glasgow Necropolis cemetery for a new movie for the surperhero franchise. (Photo by Andrew Milligan/PA Images via Getty Images)


A clapperboard is clicked as filming continues in Glasgow for a new movie for the Batman superhero franchise. (Photo by Andrew Milligan/PA Images via Getty Images)
A clapperboard is clicked as filming continues in Glasgow for a new movie for the Batman superhero franchise. (Photo by Andrew Milligan/PA Images via Getty Images)

自從導演麥特李維斯(Matt Reeves)釋出了試拍片段之後,觀眾也首次目睹了片中的全新蝙蝠裝;有許多人紛紛猜測,他胸口的蝙蝠標誌很可能是改造自弒親兇手喬齊爾(Joe Chill)的手槍零件。

A man dressed as Batman during filming at the Glasgow Necropolis cemetery for a new movie for the surperhero franchise. (Photo by Andrew Milligan/PA Images via Getty Images)
A man dressed as Batman during filming at the Glasgow Necropolis cemetery for a new movie for the surperhero franchise. (Photo by Andrew Milligan/PA Images via Getty Images)

我們目前還不清楚麥特李維斯這部新片的相關細節,但一般咸信,片中不僅會聚焦在蝙蝠俠的蒙面英雄身份,同時也會主打他身為偵探的一面。他在片中也將面對許多經典蝙蝠俠反派,包括了「謎天大聖」保羅迪諾(Paul Dano)、「企鵝」柯林法洛,以及黑幫老大「卡麥法爾康」約翰特托羅(John Turturro)。

除此之外,片中卡司還包括了「貓女」柔伊克拉維茲(Zoe Kravitz)、「阿福潘尼沃斯」安迪瑟克斯(Andy Serkis)和警察局長「吉姆高登」傑佛瑞萊特(Jeffrey Wright),電影將於2021年6月上映。
