CP與空中美語跨界合作 AMC ED主編:盼加強學生用英文介紹台灣的能力

<p>空中美語雜誌 | Three issues of English Digest magazines published by American Magazine Center (AMC) are pictured in the photo. (The China Post)</p>

空中美語雜誌 | Three issues of English Digest magazines published by American Magazine Center (AMC) are pictured in the photo. (The China Post)

【看CP學英文】The China Post (CP) 周三宣布,明年起CP與AMC空中美語正式攜手合作,空中美語2021年1月號至6月號English Digest雜誌將刊載數篇CP的優質網路文章,種類含括台灣旅遊文化、科技、藝術等等,提供學生一個多元的英文學習平台,同時也培養讀者用英文介紹台灣文化的能力。

The China Post (CP) announced Wednesday its collaboration with American Magazine Center’s (AMC) “English Digest” to provide an online English learning platform for local students interested in Taiwanese art, culture, travel, and entertainment.

The January through June 2021 issues of the bilingual magazine will feature 12 articles from CP on Taiwan’s travel, culture, technology, art, and more.

針對這次跨界合作,English Digest主編郭明潔、副主編劉皓怡共同表示,她們認為The China Post提供的文章都很有深度,同時包含許多在地元素,為學生提供了一個很棒的英文學習平台。

In response to this collaboration, English Digest’s editor-in-chief Sunny Guo and deputy editor Holly Liu said they believe The China Post features in-depth articles with many local elements, providing an excellent platform for students to learn English.


For example, Liu noted that the article regarding Mazu Pilgrimage featured in the magazine’s January issue is a cultural event that everyone in Taiwan is familiar with.


“We believe that the English articles can help students improve their ability to understand and share about Taiwan’s culture in English,” Guo and Liu both explained.

圖為English Digest雜誌1月號內頁刊載的CP文章。| The travel story by The China Post is featured in January,2021 issue of English Digest. (The China Post)
圖為English Digest雜誌1月號內頁刊載的CP文章。| The travel story by The China Post is featured in January,2021 issue of English Digest. (The China Post)

談到這次與空中美語合作,The China Post總編輯龔向華表示,自從CP於1952年創刊以來,英語教學一直都是公司的核心價值。

Asked about the collaboration with AMC, Dimitri Bruyas, editor in chief of The China Post, Taiwan, remarked that English learning has been a core value of the company since its inception in 1952.

The photo shows the January 2021 issue of English Digest. (Courtesy of AMC)
The photo shows the January 2021 issue of English Digest. (Courtesy of AMC)


“Our bilingual content is very popular among young learners who are looking for entertaining content about Taiwan and Asia,” he explained.


“From 2000 to 2016, The student Post was one of the many bilingual publications catering to high-school students preparing national and international English certifications,” he added.

龔向華續道,2016年The China Post開始數位轉型,我們希望每日提供雙語文章給正在學習英文的人,從國中生到大學生都含括在內。」

“Since The China Post digital transformation began in 2016, we have aimed to produce daily bilingual content from English learners ranging from junior high school to university students,” he continued.


This new collaboration with AMC is a chance to reach more Taiwanese students looking for local news in English about culture, arts, entertainment, and more, according to Bruyas, who invited readers to visit the https://chinapost.nownews.com/ for more.

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