馬國神童奪NASA廁所獎 衣服附加簡易裝置就能在月球排泄

【看CP學英文】馬來西亞九歲發明家 Zyson Kang Zy Shun將近900名參賽者中脫穎而出,奪得NASA月球廁所挑戰」比賽少年組冠軍

Young Malaysian inventor Zyson Kang Zy Shun, nine, has made the country proud by bagging first place in NASA’s prestigious Lunar Loo Challenge Junior Category, beating out almost 900 participants from across the globe.


Impressing a panel of judges from NASA, the pupil from SJK (C) Pin Hwa 1, Setia Alam, Klang, stood out among 897 participants from 85 countries, winning the international competition with his “Spacesuit Lunar Toilet“.


Zyson’s invention, which can fit snugly into an astronaut’s spacesuit, does not need electricity or batteries, only requiring mechanical kinetic power.

馬來西亞九歲發明家 Zyson Kang Zy Shun從將近900名參賽者中脫穎而出,奪得「NASA月球廁所挑戰」比賽少年組冠軍。 | Young Malaysian inventor Zyson Kang Zy Shun, nine, has made the country proud by bagging first place in NASA’s prestigious Lunar Loo Challenge Junior Category, beating out almost 900 participants from across the globe. (Courtesy of ZYSON’s InnoCreation/YouTube)
馬來西亞九歲發明家 Zyson Kang Zy Shun從將近900名參賽者中脫穎而出,奪得「NASA月球廁所挑戰」比賽少年組冠軍。 | Young Malaysian inventor Zyson Kang Zy Shun, nine, has made the country proud by bagging first place in NASA’s prestigious Lunar Loo Challenge Junior Category, beating out almost 900 participants from across the globe. (Courtesy of ZYSON’s InnoCreation/YouTube)


The “Spacesuit Lunar Toilet” design concept, said the pupil, revolved around convenience.

“It works by applying a manual mechanical kinetic concept to produce a vacuum suction power to crystalize the urine and fecal matter for safe disposal,” he explained.


“When you move your legs, the urine will flow down into a container in the astronaut’s boots.

「這裝置不須用到任何電力,降低在太空出錯壞掉的可能。」 Zyson向馬國媒體The Star分享道。

“The design does not require any electrical components, hence, minimizing the potential of a malfunction in space, Zyson told The Star.

10月28日, Zyson向NASA評審團隊透過線上會議分享自己的作品,簡單又好用的排遺裝置設計驚艷在座所有人。

Invited to present his design with the NASA team on Oct. 28 via a webinar, Zyson wowed the judges with his simple yet effective idea for “number two’s” in space.