越南仙女姊妹花 網友驚呼:確定差9歲?

<p>來自越南的姊妹花Le Phuong Anh和Le Phuong Uyen。(圖/翻攝自IG)|Sisters Le Phuong Anh and Le Phuong Uyen(photo courtesy/ IG)</p>

來自越南的姊妹花Le Phuong Anh和Le Phuong Uyen。(圖/翻攝自IG)|Sisters Le Phuong Anh and Le Phuong Uyen(photo courtesy/ IG)

一對來自越南的姊妹花Le Phuong Anh和Le Phuong Uyen由於氣質外型和玲瓏有致的身材而受網友熱議。雖然姐姐Le Phuong Anh今年3月底才開始在社群平台更新貼文,仍然收穫上萬名粉絲喜愛。

Le Phuong Anh and Le Phuong Uyen, two sisters from Vietnam, are gaining attention among social media users thanks to their delicate appearance and exquisitely shaped body.

Although the older sister Le Phuong Anh only started posting photos on social media in late March, she has already attracted tens of thousands of followers.

出生於越南河內的兩人雖然長相相似,不少人誤以為兩人是雙胞胎,但其實姊姊Le Phuong Anh出生於1997年,現年23歲,而妹妹則生於2006年,其實只有14歲,但兩人一同合照時仍然是看似同齡,感覺不太出相差9歲。

Hailing from Hanoi, Vietnam, the two girls have similar looks, making many to mistake them for twins.

They are 9 years apart, however, with the older sister Le Phuong Anh born in 1997, and the younger sister Le Phuong Uyen born in 2006.

Despite their age difference, they are look-alike when they are photographed together.

來自越南的姊妹花Le Phuong Anh和Le Phuong Uyen。(圖/翻攝自IG)|Sisters Le Phuong Anh and Le Phuong Uyen(photo courtesy/ IG)
來自越南的姊妹花Le Phuong Anh和Le Phuong Uyen。(圖/翻攝自IG)|Sisters Le Phuong Anh and Le Phuong Uyen(photo courtesy/ IG)

由於外型亮麗,妹妹Le Phuong Uyen受訪時表示自己風格比較成熟,因而看起來比實際年齡大。她說未來想當模特兒,但現在還要認真念書,目前沒什麼時間拍照。而已成年的姐姐Le Phuong Anh則經常曬出火辣的泳裝照和商品代言照,看得出來已逐漸踏上網美經營之路。

In a recent interview, Le Phuong Uyen, 14, said that she has a more mature style and therefore looks older than her actual age.

She shared her passion for modeling and said she wants to work in the fashion industry in the future.

However, she’s a hardworking student and doesn’t have much time for photo shoots at the moment.

Le Phuong Anh, on the other hand, often has hot photos of herself in swimsuits posted on social media and commercial shoots for various products, so she seems to be getting into the influencer business.