老外看台灣/老外分享在異地當爸感想 台灣「兩優勢」讓他不擔憂


Taiwan is often known among the foreign community as being very open and accepting to others when they first arrive here.


Aside from visiting, many expats later choose to stay and live long-term in Taiwan for the country’s many benefits including its convenience, safety and beautiful environment.


Andrew Gundogdu, also known as “Pineapple Bro” has been living in Taiwan for some time. He has a young daughter, Harper, who is frequently featured in his videos.


Gundogdu views Taiwan as his “Valentine” as he arrived on Feb. 14 nine years ago.


As a previous resident in Alaska, USA, he applied for a job as an English teacher here and decided to share his experiences of living in Taiwan with family back home and new friends he made here.


In one of his most recent videos, Gundogdu shared his thoughts of raising a child in a country with different cultures and languages.


As a Turkish native, Gundogdu showed how he communicates in Mandarin, English and Turkish with his daughter while they visited a recreational area with horses.


Speaking to the camera, he reveals that people often ask him whether or not it is difficult to raise children so far from his hometown.


To this, the YouTuber said the answer is “no” for him because he thinks the most important thing about being a parent is “safety,” and he soon came to realize he chose one of the safest countries in the world.


Gundogdu also credited his Taiwanese wife for making it easier, as he acknowledged “teamwork” to be a big contributing factor in raising children together.


He later added that Taiwan is also a great place as there are many activities to do on the island, with many beautiful natural locations to bring children to outings.


To illustrate his point, Gundogdu praised the farm behind him for boasting horses and ponds full of fish. In a place like this, parents can enjoy a leisurely day with their kids without spending big bucks.

Follow Andrew Gundogdu’s (“Pineapple Bro” 鳳梨哥) YouTube and Instagram for more videos like this.