老外看台灣/美國型男初次旅台捕捉驚艷美照 「回家鄉必推薦朋友這兩個景點!」

<p>拼圖左到右,落日美景、札克.杜雷克、阿里山|The collage shows the spectacular sunset, Zach Tureck and Alishan (Courtesy of Zach Tureck )</p>

拼圖左到右,落日美景、札克.杜雷克、阿里山|The collage shows the spectacular sunset, Zach Tureck and Alishan (Courtesy of Zach Tureck )

【看CP學英文】來自美國的札克.杜雷克(Zach Tureck) 與他老婆來台灣旅遊,拜訪他大學好哥們。札克的台灣初旅行,就從雲林斗六,也就是他好友的居住地開始了!他們在斗六一起歡慶除夕,隔日便出發前往南投縣。身為大自然愛好者,他和他老婆最愛的地方非南投和阿里山莫屬了。

Earlier this year, Zach Tureck and his wife traveled all the way from the U.S. to Taiwan to visit their friends from college who live in Douliu, Yunlin County (雲林縣斗六市).

Their journey kicked off from Douliu where they celebrated New Year’s Eve, and then they headed to Nantou. As nature lovers, Zach explained that Nantou (南投) and Alishan (阿里山) were definitely their favorite places.


Driving up to Nantou was such a unique experience, he explained because there are no subtropical forests in the mountains where they live.

And to be more specific, “Chitou Forest Recreation Area” (溪頭森林遊樂區) captured Zach and his wife’s attention the most because it had an awesome mix of Japanese and Taiwanese cultures.

拼圖左到右,妖怪村、溪頭自然教育園區|This collage shows Monster Village (left) and Chitou Forest Recreation Area (right). (Courtesy of Zach Tureck)
拼圖左到右,妖怪村、溪頭自然教育園區|This collage shows Monster Village (left) and Chitou Forest Recreation Area (right). (Courtesy of Zach Tureck)


Taiwan never ceased to spring surprises on Zach and his wife. He stressed that the Nepenthe Forest (忘憂森林) was quite “epic.”

“The taxi took us on a crazy ride up the side of the mountain through beautiful tea gardens to the cool barren swamp. Although it was dried up when we went, it was still very beautiful!” Zach recalled.

身為大自然愛好者,他和他老婆最愛的地方非南投和阿里山莫屬了。|Then they went to Nantou the day after. Zach expressed that being nature lovers, Nantou(南投) and Alishan(阿里山) were definitely their favorite places. (Courtesy of Zach Tureck)
身為大自然愛好者,他和他老婆最愛的地方非南投和阿里山莫屬了。|Then they went to Nantou the day after. Zach expressed that being nature lovers, Nantou(南投) and Alishan(阿里山) were definitely their favorite places. (Courtesy of Zach Tureck)


Before taking the Taiwan High Speed Rail, they stopped to get some smoked chicken — the signature dish of the area. It definitely did not disappoint them and it was a great finale to the day, he noted.

妖怪村|Monster Village (Courtesy of (Zach Tureck)
妖怪村|Monster Village (Courtesy of (Zach Tureck)


“Being fairly ignorant visitors, we didn’t have much expectation about Taiwan,” Zach told The China Post in an email interview.

“The only problem we encountered was the language. It was a bit difficult and frustrating when my friend wasn’t around to translate,” he admitted. “But Xitou Villiage and the Nepenthe Forest were unbelievably gorgeous and were highly recommended.”

身為大自然愛好者,他和他老婆最愛的地方非南投和阿里山莫屬了。|Then they went to Nantou the day after. Zach expressed that being nature lovers, Nantou(南投) and Alishan(阿里山) were definitely their favorite places. (Courtesy of Zach Tureck)
身為大自然愛好者,他和他老婆最愛的地方非南投和阿里山莫屬了。|Then they went to Nantou the day after. Zach expressed that being nature lovers, Nantou(南投) and Alishan(阿里山) were definitely their favorite places. (Courtesy of Zach Tureck)

Follow Zach Tureck on Behance

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