老外看台灣/網瘋傳熱仙草凍奶茶食譜 老外傻眼:我只看到淡菜殼

<p>Many foreigners were confused as to why “mussel shells” were floating around in the bowl. (Photo courtesy of u/PlasmaLamps/Reddit)</p>

Many foreigners were confused as to why “mussel shells” were floating around in the bowl. (Photo courtesy of u/PlasmaLamps/Reddit)


Boba milk tea is not the only Taiwanese drink that has left a deep impression on foreigners.


Reddit user u/PlasmaLamps recently shared a “50-calorie” snack of hers which included grass jelly, black tea from Hong Kong, cashew milk and some sweetener.


According to the social media user, she prepared the snack by cutting, then microwaving, some grass jelly and added Hong Kong black tea along with cashew milk and sweetener to create her own “grass jelly milk tea.”

The 50-calorie snack was widely praised among the members and friends of the Asian community. (Photo courtesy of u/PlasmaLamps/Reddit)
The 50-calorie snack was widely praised among the members and friends of the Asian community. (Photo courtesy of u/PlasmaLamps/Reddit)


The recipe was immediately lauded by homesick members of the Asian community who grilled the social media user on the exact location where she got her ingredients.


She happily supplied them with answers, listing 99 Ranch Market, a Taiwanese-American supermarket chain in the U.S., as the place where she got her can of grass jelly.


Some social media users, however, were more hesitant in preparing the seemingly tasty snack.

One social media user claimed that all they could see was “mussel shells” soup, which the grass jelly resembles when half-submerged in milk tea.


One added that he thought at first glance the grass jelly were just dark glass chips, while another said it looked like a broken beer bottle.


Some were curious to know if it had the same texture as jello, to which the social media user replied that it is similar, but has a mild herbal taste as it’s not artificially sweetened.


Many other creative social media users continued to pile on and added “century eggs,” “glass” and “eel” to what they thought was actually grass jelly.

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