老外看台灣/台灣金魚茶包紅到北馬其頓 老外驚太逼真:要毒死牠?

<p>Ivana Sarevska shared the cute, goldfish tea bags she received from a friend via Reddit. (Photos courtesy of Ivana Sarevska)</p>

Ivana Sarevska shared the cute, goldfish tea bags she received from a friend via Reddit. (Photos courtesy of Ivana Sarevska)


Taiwan has many cute and local delicacies that tourists love to bring back home afterward, including pineapple cakes and tea.

也因此,當Ivana Sarevska收到朋友送來的台灣金魚茶包時,感到相當驚訝與喜悅。

There is, therefore, little wonder that Ivana Sarevska was surprised when she received Taiwanese tea bags from a friend shaped like cute goldfish.


As the adorably-designed tea bag is submerged in hot water, the color of the tea takes on an orange tinge, creating the perfect illusion of a fish swimming in water.

As the adorably-designed tea bag was submerged in hot water, the color of the tea takes on an orange tinge, creating the perfect illusion of a fish swimming in water. (Photo courtesy of Ivana Sarevska)
As the adorably-designed tea bag was submerged in hot water, the color of the tea takes on an orange tinge, creating the perfect illusion of a fish swimming in water. (Photo courtesy of Ivana Sarevska)


Hailing from the capital of North Macedonia, Skopje, Sarevska revealed that the gift was too cute to keep to herself and decided to share it on social media.


The post was also met with a small alarm from other social media users though. Some thought that she was poisoning fish at first glance.


Another jokingly asked why she didn’t just drink a “real” fish for superpowers instead, possibly referring to the “goldfish gulping” craze in U.S. universities in 1939.


One social media user also suggested that the uncanny tea bags could be a good way to prevent coworkers from stealing your drink.

One social media user also suggested that the uncanny tea bags could be a good way to prevent coworkers from stealing your drink. (Photo courtesy of Ivana Sarevska)
One social media user also suggested that the uncanny tea bags could be a good way to prevent coworkers from stealing your drink. (Photo courtesy of Ivana Sarevska)

Ivana後來向The China Post表示,自己雖然還沒能有機會來台灣遊玩,但宣稱自己已是台灣文化、美食的大粉絲。

When asked, Sarevska revealed that though she had yet to visit Taiwan, she is a big fan of Taiwanese “culture, dishes, and absolutely everything linked to it!”

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