
<p>專演壞女人的 Cherman Boonyasak(綽號:Ploy)活躍於泰國影視圈。(圖/chermarn@Instagram)|Cherman Boonyasak (nicknamed “Ploy”), a renowned actress in Thai entertainment industry, who has dominated the female villain roles in Thai drama. (photo courtesy/ chermarn@Instagram)</p>

專演壞女人的 Cherman Boonyasak(綽號:Ploy)活躍於泰國影視圈。(圖/chermarn@Instagram)|Cherman Boonyasak (nicknamed “Ploy”), a renowned actress in Thai entertainment industry, who has dominated the female villain roles in Thai drama. (photo courtesy/ chermarn@Instagram)

常看泰國電視劇、電影的影迷們一定熟悉 Cherman Boonyasak(綽號:Ploy),人稱「泰國一姊」的她活躍於泰國影視圈,而且專演壞女人。不過,這位令人著迷的「腹黑女」在12月15日於Instagram上宣布將告別螢幕,令粉絲相當不捨。

If you are a Thai drama fan, you must be familiar with Cherman Boonyasak, nicknamed “Ploy,” a renowned actress in the entertainment industry, who has dominated the female villain roles in Thai dramas for years.

This legendary figure in Thai showbiz, however, announced on Dec. 15 that she would be saying goodbye to the small screen, making fans very sad.

今年38歲的Ploy是位混血兒,相貌姣好的她於2007年出演《愛在暹羅》配角一砲而紅,出色的演技不僅讓觀眾印象深刻,更讓她一舉奪下泰國電影金天鵝獎(Suphannahong National Film Award)最佳女配角。

The 38-year old star is a mixed-race beauty who became famous in 2007 with her supporting role in the film “Love of Siam.” The role not only impressed the audience but also won her the best-supporting actress award at the Suphannahong National Film Award.

爆紅後她星路順遂,代表作品包括《猛鬼套房》、《千方百計愛上你》 、《牡丹花的最後一瓣》 、《保留丈夫》等,挑戰的角色類型多元,從愛情片、鬼片到吸血鬼題材都有涉略。除此之外,她也是泰國實境選秀節目「The Face」的評審兼導師。

Since her breakout, she has been in multiple successful dramas including “Rahtree: Flower Of The Night,” “Roy Leh Saneh Rai,” “Botun Greep Sood Tai” and “Samee Tee Tra,” and more.

She has tried a wide range of genres and roles throughout her career, with her work ranging from romance, ghost movies to vampire themes.

In addition to her acting career, she is also a judge and mentor in the Thai reality TV show “The Face.”

專演壞女人的 Cherman Boonyasak(綽號:Ploy)活躍於泰國影視圈。(圖/chermarn@Instagram)|Cherman Boonyasak (nicknamed “Ploy”), a renowned actress in Thai entertainment industry, who has dominated the female villain roles in Thai drama. (photo courtesy/ chermarn@Instagram)
專演壞女人的 Cherman Boonyasak(綽號:Ploy)活躍於泰國影視圈。(圖/chermarn@Instagram)|Cherman Boonyasak (nicknamed “Ploy”), a renowned actress in Thai entertainment industry, who has dominated the female villain roles in Thai drama. (photo courtesy/ chermarn@Instagram)


Ploy is best known for playing the “bad woman,” especially in drama series. It is known that she often declines to play the main role and prefers the unlikeable “villain roles” to sharpen her acting skills.

However, as she always manages to play the villain so vividly, the attention on her often overshadowed the female leads.

12月15日,Ploy 在個人IG上發布推文稱她將告別小螢幕,電視劇《เรยา》將是她的最後一部電視作品。她感謝粉絲們27年來給予的支持,表示接下來她將踏上新旅途,希望大家多多給予鼓勵,也希望粉絲們多支持最後這部作品。

On Dec. 15, Ploy announced on Instagram that she will be saying goodbye to the small screen and that the TV series “เรยา” will be her last TV production.

She thanked her fans for their support over the past 27 years, saying that she will be embarking on a new journey. She hopes that fans will show her love and support for her decision as well as this last work.


To comfort her fans, Ploy assured that although she is no longer acting in TV dramas, she is still happy to host shows or act in movies, and she will continue to meet fans and audiences through various events.

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