泰國辣模不甩公司力挺示威 超霸氣對話曝光網友大讚

<p>名叫班滴巴(Pantipa Arunwattanachai,Pumpui)的泰國模特兒不僅公開挺示威,更寧可失去工作機會也不願改變立場。(圖/翻攝自IG)|Thai model Pumpui is pictured alongside a recent conversation with her model agency. (Courtesy Pantipa Arunwattanachai/Instagram)</p>

名叫班滴巴(Pantipa Arunwattanachai,Pumpui)的泰國模特兒不僅公開挺示威,更寧可失去工作機會也不願改變立場。(圖/翻攝自IG)|Thai model Pumpui is pictured alongside a recent conversation with her model agency. (Courtesy Pantipa Arunwattanachai/Instagram)

泰國反政府、反皇室示威已經持續四個月,許多明星藝人害怕被封殺,對於這個敏感話題往往選擇避而不談。不過,名叫班滴巴(Pantipa Arunwattanachai,Pumpui)的泰國模特兒不僅公開挺示威,更寧可失去工作機會也不願改變立場,讓許多抗議民眾相當感動。

Many Thai celebrities have remained silent on the sensitive topic of anti-government protests over the past 4 months for fear of affecting their career.

A Thai model, named Pantipa Arunwattanachai (Pumpui), is an exception though. She not only publicly expressed her support for the protests but also disobeyed her company’s policy, risking to lose her job along the way.

Her brave attitude has received praise from many protesters.


In a recent Instagram post, Pumpui showed a conversation she had with her company, where she was asked to delete posts involving the protest and refrain from expressing political views.

The company then threatened to “cancel all her activities” if she doesn’t cooperate.

名叫班滴巴(Pantipa Arunwattanachai,Pumpui)的泰國模特兒不僅公開挺示威,更寧可失去工作機會也不願改變立場。(圖/翻攝自IG)|Thai model Pumpui <span>not only publicly expressed her support for the protests but also disobeyed her company’s policy, risking to lose her job along the way</span>. (Courtesy Pantipa Arunwattanachai/Instagram)
名叫班滴巴(Pantipa Arunwattanachai,Pumpui)的泰國模特兒不僅公開挺示威,更寧可失去工作機會也不願改變立場。(圖/翻攝自IG)|Thai model Pumpui not only publicly expressed her support for the protests but also disobeyed her company’s policy, risking to lose her job along the way. (Courtesy Pantipa Arunwattanachai/Instagram)

個性的 Pumpui 當下直接回覆公司說「好」,公司原先以為是答應配合的意思,便請她先刪除貼文,沒想到 Pumpui 淡淡的回了一句「不,我的意思是把工作取消」,霸氣外露的回應獲得泰國網友稱讚,紛紛呼籲到 Pumpui 的IG帳號追蹤表示支持。

With a strong personality, Pumpui replied to the company by saying “yes,” which the company took as a sign of cooperation and asked her to delete the post again. Pumpui then made her point clear by responding with “No, I mean go ahead and cancel the job activities,”.

Her response was met with praise from Thai social media users, who called for the public to follow Pumpui’s IG account to show their support.

名叫班滴巴(Pantipa Arunwattanachai,Pumpui)的泰國模特兒不僅公開挺示威,更寧可失去工作機會也不願改變立場。(圖/翻攝自IG) | Highlights of the model’s conversation with her agency are shown on this screengrab. (Courtesy Pantipa Arunwattanachai/Instagram)
名叫班滴巴(Pantipa Arunwattanachai,Pumpui)的泰國模特兒不僅公開挺示威,更寧可失去工作機會也不願改變立場。(圖/翻攝自IG) | Highlights of the model’s conversation with her agency are shown on this screengrab. (Courtesy Pantipa Arunwattanachai/Instagram)


Since the beginning of the protests, the government has not responded to the protesters’ demands, including to dissolve and reorganize the parliament, draw up a new constitution, weaken the royal power, and abolish the Lèse-majesté law.

In contrast, the Thai government has tried to suppress demonstrations by arresting more than 200 activists over the past four months, as well as announcing a state of emergency to ban protests and public gatherings.

名叫班滴巴(Pantipa Arunwattanachai,Pumpui)的泰國模特兒不僅公開挺示威,更寧可失去工作機會也不願改變立場。(圖/翻攝自IG)|Thai model Pumpui is featured in this collage of undated file photos. (Courtesy Pantipa Arunwattanachai/Instagram)
名叫班滴巴(Pantipa Arunwattanachai,Pumpui)的泰國模特兒不僅公開挺示威,更寧可失去工作機會也不願改變立場。(圖/翻攝自IG)|Thai model Pumpui is featured in this collage of undated file photos. (Courtesy Pantipa Arunwattanachai/Instagram)