李芷婷化身復古歌女 演繹素還真MV花絮曝光!


Singer Nasi Li enjoyed playing a classic role in the Taiwanese hand puppetry show “Pili Fantasy” alongside Su Huan-Jen (素還真) and Feng Tsai-ling (風采鈴) for her latest music video “Leaving Home (遠走他鄉).”

The song is the ending credits song of the annual masterpiece “PILI FANTASY: Doom of Dragons” whicg was filmed with 4DViews technology, merging technology, culture and art in a new fashion.


In the MV, Nasi Li plays an elegant singer in a western restaurant set in the 1980’s, who sees all the sorrows and joys of the world throughout her singing career, while Yankee Yang (楊子儀) Fun Ricie (范宸菲) play the tragic lovebirds who cannot be together.

Asked about the filming, Nasi Li expressed her admiration for the exquisite acting skills of the actors, saying with a smile that she is a trainee as well as a fan girl who came here to observe their performance.

《遠走他鄉》MV結合霹靂、金曲獎最佳作詞人方文山、以及歌唱選秀節目實力唱將李芷婷,三方跨域合作。透過法國4D Views動態立體捕捉設備與即時運算技術,展現戲偶最生動的樣貌,呈現出突破想像框架的敘事性MV。

The music video of “Leaving Home” (遠走他鄉) is a crossover collaboration between “Pili Fantasy,” award-winning lyricist Vincent Fang (方文山), and talent show singer Nasi Li.

Through the 4D Views motion capture equipment and real-time computing technology from France, the video shows the puppets in their most vivid form, presenting a narrative that breaks the framework of imagination.

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