
<p>日籍太空人野口聰一週六推文,附上一張從國際太空站拍下的台灣被雲海包圍的夕照,二度空拍台灣。 (圖|翻攝自推特)</p>

日籍太空人野口聰一週六推文,附上一張從國際太空站拍下的台灣被雲海包圍的夕照,二度空拍台灣。 (圖|翻攝自推特)


Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi (野口聰一) shared a photo of Taiwan covered by clouds from the International Space Station (ISS) on Saturday, marking it the second time he shared the picture of Taiwan from space.



Noguchi wrote: “Taiwan with the sunset reflecting on the sea of clouds” with the hashtags “Taiwan” in both Chinese and English in his tweet.

In response to the photo, many praised Taiwan’s spectacular view while some thanked him for taking such beautiful pictures.

One wrote: “I thought it was snow,” while another said that Taiwan and Japan are like brothers.


Earlier, he also tweeted a photo of “Kaohsiung and Tainan at night” taken from the ISS on Dec. 4 last year, drawing much attention among Taiwanese social media users.


The Japanese aeronautical engineer has been sharing pictures of worldwide destinations taken from ISS, including a night view of Tokyo, Japan, and major cities in Kansai, Washington, D.C., Chicago, San Francisco Bay Area, Yellowstone Park, and the islands in the Atlantic Ocean, and the Bahamas.

美國太空人霍普金斯(Michael Hopkins)、葛洛佛(Victor Glover)、華克(Shannon Walker)和日籍太空人野口聰一,台灣時間2020年11月16日搭乘太空探索科技公司(SpaceX)的天龍號太空船(Crew Dragon)「堅韌」(Resilience),前往國際太空站,並在台灣時間同年11月17日成功與國際太空站對接。

The space crew, consisting of Michael Hopkins, Victor Glover, Shannon Walker and Soichi Noguchi, has operated the Crew Dragon craft, Resilience, and successfully docked Resilience autonomously to the station since Nov. 17, 2020.

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