
<p>The collage shows Yakult  and Pocari Sweat. (Courtesy of Cynthia Chen/Twitter)</p>

The collage shows Yakult and Pocari Sweat. (Courtesy of Cynthia Chen/Twitter)

【看CP學英文】華裔美籍設計師辛西亞Cynthia Chen去年底在推特分享一系列親手縫製的「亞洲零食地墊」,她將養樂多、日本蝦味先融入地毯設計,勾起廣大華人粉絲的童年回憶

Cynthia Chen, a Chinese-American designer, recently shared a series of handmade “Asian snack rugs” on Twitter, incorporating Yakult and shrimp crackers into the design that evokes childhood memories for her Asian fans.


According to Vice, Chen, who lives in San Francisco, picked up a new hobby — hand-knitting rugs — during her quarantine last year.


Last September, she attempted to make a rug that looked like a can of Spam. When she shared the photo of the self-made rug on social media, it immediately attracted a lot of attention.

辛西亞接受Apartment Therapy訪談時說道,亞洲零食總會勾起她童年回憶,而「當我完成SPAM地墊後,我徹底愛上了。」

In an interview with Apartment Therapy, Cynthia said that Asian snacks always brings back memories of her childhood.

She said: “After the Spam rug was done, I was hooked.”


She explained that her parents are both from China, and when she was growing up they would take trips to China, visiting her relatives and grandparents at least once a year.


The report said that Cynthia’s mother was an excellent cook and she often went shopping with her mother at the local Asian grocery store, which gave her more opportunities to taste various Asian snacks.


However, making a rug is not only time-consuming but also takes a lot of hard work. She shares that each mat took an average of 15 hours, but she insists on hand-knitting instead of using the machine.

She found the making process quite therapeutic.


Later, Chen shared her homemade rugs including Yakult, Calbee shrimp chips, and a Pocari Sweat, which won wide acclaim.

辛西亞架設網路商店,販售手織食品包裝地墊,Spam罐頭、養樂多、日本蝦味先,每匹售價美金888 (約新台幣24,841)。至截稿日,手工地墊已銷售一空,但辛西亞也提供顧客客製化服務,為客人製作獨一無二的地墊。

Cynthia created an online store, selling her food-themed self-made rugs, each priced at US$888 (NT$24,841).

The handmade rugs have been sold out as of press time, but Cynthia also offers customized service to make unique rugs for customers.

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