加拿大攝影師紀錄台灣抗疫 海外台人齊喊:讓世界看見我們

<p>台北101夜景(圖|截自David Peng)</p>

台北101夜景(圖|截自David Peng)

【看CP學英文】台灣抗疫經驗世界有目共睹,在這段艱困的時刻,身在海外的台灣人更能深切感受到來自家鄉的溫暖,而台裔加拿大人David Peng正是其中之一。

Amid the COVID-19 outbreak, the world has recognized Taiwan’s experience in fighting the pandemic. During this challenging time, overseas Taiwanese can feel their homeland’s warmth far away, and David Peng is one of them.


Born in Taiwan, David grew up in Canada; however, he returned to Taiwan due to the coronavirus outbreak like many others.


David saw the achievements of Taiwan’s efforts in pandemic prevention and decided to work with the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office in Vancouver to make a video.

The video documents Taiwan’s process of fighting against the pandemic and the thoughts from overseas Taiwanese.

「我希望可以透過這支影片讓大家更進一步了解台灣這次防疫的成績。」David向The China Post說道。

“I hope that through this video, more can better understand the achievements of Taiwan’s pandemic prevention,” David told The China Post.


A woman’s monologue runs through the five-minute film, from people’s helplessness at the beginning of the pandemic to Taiwan’s donation of masks to other countries.

The legalization of same-sex marriage in 2019 is also included in the video.

The 5-minutes clip showcases Taiwan’s policies and achievements in the past two years and making a splash on the international stage.


Among other highlights, three overseas Taiwanese shared that they miss everything in their hometown.

Grace, who has lived in Canada since she was little, misses the night market food in Taiwan; Ginny, a broadcaster in Vancouver, shares Taiwan’s beauty on her show and teaches Taiwanese from time to time.


Long-Er, who currently works part-time in a restaurant, feels gratified by same-sex marriage in Taiwan. “Thank you, Taiwan for advocating marriage equality,” Long-Er said.

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