影/全球首創! 青埔高鐵站區企鵝號誌燈帶你過馬路

【看CP學英文】桃園高鐵站區出現全球第一座的「企鵝號誌燈」!原本一般行人穿越道設置的「小綠人」,頓時化身為可愛的企鵝動畫號誌,副市長高安邦14日參與記者會活動時表示,市府很高興與Xpark合作設計獨一無二的企鵝號誌燈,和傳統小綠人相比,企鵝造型燈號多了幾分趣味,搭配防疫宣導號誌 ,提醒行人記得戴口罩、勤洗手,做好防疫措施。

A road beside Taoyuan High Speed Rail station (HSR, 高鐵) was recently equipped with the world’s first “penguin crosswalk light” on Monday in a collaboration with Xpark.

According to Taoyuan Deputy Mayor Kao An-pang (高安邦), the city was pleased to collaborate with Xpark in designing the one-of-a-kind penguin crosswalk light.

In addition to the virus-prevention signs, Kao expressed hope that pedestrians will be more mindful of wearing face masks, washing hands and taking precautionary measures.

青埔Xpark與桃園市政府交通局合作,將原本的走路小綠人換成了Xpark 館內的國王企鵝跟麥哲倫企鵝剪影,同時設計了6種動畫,包括企鵝慢走、快速移動及休息的姿態,讓民眾在過馬路時可以看見企鵝的日常。

The new crosswalk light features Xpark’s King penguins and Magellanic penguins, and includes 6 different animations, depicting the animals walking, running, and resting.

The goal is to also let pedestrians get a glimpse of the everyday lives and actions of the penguins in the park, Kao explained.


As the crosswalk lights count down the seconds, the King penguins will be shown taking a stroll and gradually hurrying along with beads of sweat appearing on their heads.

On the other hand, as Magellanic penguins like to be in the water, when the count-down nears the end, the penguins will begin “swimming” to remind pedestrians to pick up their pace.

During red lights, the penguins will be shown resting or sleeping.

館方希望透過企鵝交通號誌,讓民眾瞭解企鵝生態,未來也有意願將 Xpark周邊的號誌燈改設成其他的海洋生物造型號誌,營造全新的城市風景,讓民眾只要到桃園青埔就可以感受到滿滿的海洋氛圍。

Xpark expressed hopes locals can get to know more about penguins through the newly established crosswalk lights and are eager to continue collaborating with Taoyuan City Government to create more animal lights.

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