
<p>“Not Totally Negative: In Memory of Kayoumin” (Coutrtesy of Sincere Art Gallery/誠空間/Facebook)</p>

“Not Totally Negative: In Memory of Kayoumin” (Coutrtesy of Sincere Art Gallery/誠空間/Facebook)

【看CP學英文】在台外籍人士週日難得齊聚一堂,就是為了參加紀念法國藝術家Guillaume Cadilhac (1968-2020,中文名:卡佑民) 的特展「不僅止於負片 ━━ 卡佑民紀念展」。紀念特展於11月29日至12月13日在台北「誠空間」登場,期間展出這位藝術家傳奇的一生,以及畢生獨特的藝術創作。

Members and friends of Taiwan’s foreign community gathered on Sunday for the opening of “Not Totally Negative: In Memory of Kayoumin” — a commemorative exhibit on the unique work and life journey of French artist Guillaume Cadilhac (1968-2020), better known as Kayoumin — that runs until Dec. 13 (Sun.) at Sincere Art Gallery (誠空間) in Taipei.

<span>「不僅止於負片 ━━ 卡佑民紀念展</span><span>」即日起在誠空間展出至12月13日 (日)。| </span>“Not Totally Negative: In Memory of Kayoumin” runs at Sincere Art Gallery (誠空間) in Taipei until Dec. 13 (Sun.). (Courtesy of Wang Chien-yu)
「不僅止於負片 ━━ 卡佑民紀念展」即日起在誠空間展出至12月13日 (日)。| “Not Totally Negative: In Memory of Kayoumin” runs at Sincere Art Gallery (誠空間) in Taipei until Dec. 13 (Sun.). (Courtesy of Wang Chien-yu)


Kayoumin, also known as “Kaka” (卡卡) by his many friends and relatives, began his work and artistic journey in China where he pursued his passion for martial arts and the Chinese language and worked as a radio anchor in Guangzhou.

法國藝術家卡佑民 (1968-2020) 的特展「不僅止於負片 ━━ 卡佑民紀念展」紀念特展於11月29日至12月13日在台北「誠空間」登場。 | French artist Guillaume Cadilhac (1968-2020) is better known as Kayoumin. (Courtesy of Tang Hsiang-yi)
法國藝術家卡佑民 (1968-2020) 的特展「不僅止於負片 ━━ 卡佑民紀念展」紀念特展於11月29日至12月13日在台北「誠空間」登場。 | French artist Guillaume Cadilhac (1968-2020) is better known as Kayoumin. (Courtesy of Tang Hsiang-yi)

在中國,他致力於推廣法國藝術文化,投入超過十年的時間鼓勵文化交流,後來法國政府頒給他「文學暨藝術騎⼠勳章」 — 唯有對法國、世界各地藝術有著重大貢獻、影響的人才能獲得這項殊榮。

After promoting French arts and culture and encouraging cultural exchanges for more than a decade, he was conferred with a “Knight of the Order of the Arts and Letters” — a French government distinction conferred to those who have contributed to the influence of arts in France and the rest of the world.

卡佑民的老婆唐湘怡於11月29日為紀念特展開幕式引言 | The wife of <span>Kayoumin, Tang Hsiang-yi, gestures during the opening of the exhibition on Sunday, Nov. 29, 2020. </span>(Courtesy of Wang Chien-yu)
卡佑民的老婆唐湘怡於11月29日為紀念特展開幕式引言 | The wife of Kayoumin, Tang Hsiang-yi, gestures during the opening of the exhibition on Sunday, Nov. 29, 2020. (Courtesy of Wang Chien-yu)


This award was an acknowledgment of Kayoumin’s dedicated work and an encouragement to continue his artistic journey which eventually led him to Taiwan. Over the past 10 years, his interest in “negative photography,” in particular, drew most of his attention with several successful exhibitions.

<span>「不僅止於負片 ━━ 卡佑民紀念展」展出卡佑民藝術生涯期間的攝影以及多媒體創作 |”Not Totally Negative: In Memory of Kayoumin” features the french artist’s various series on photographs and mixed-media works. </span>(Courtesy of Wang Chien-yu)
「不僅止於負片 ━━ 卡佑民紀念展」展出卡佑民藝術生涯期間的攝影以及多媒體創作 |”Not Totally Negative: In Memory of Kayoumin” features the french artist’s various series on photographs and mixed-media works. (Courtesy of Wang Chien-yu)

「不僅止於負片 ━━ 卡佑民紀念展」展出卡佑民藝術生涯期間三大系列創作 (攝影以及多媒體),透過負片攝影更能凸顯易被觀者忽略的周圍環境,並強調環境與主體物之間的關係。

“Not Totally Negative: In Memory of Kayoumin” beautifully retraces this artistic journey with three of Kayoumin’s series of works (photographs and mixed-media) that highlight how the area surrounding the main subject in a photograph, which is usually invisible to the viewers, can be unveiled through negative photography.

法籍藝術家歐笠嵬也蒞臨現場,參加周日的開幕式活動 | French artist Olivier Ferrieux (歐笠嵬) attends the opening of the exhibition <span>on Sunday, Nov. 29, 2020. </span>(Courtesy of Wang Chien-yu)
法籍藝術家歐笠嵬也蒞臨現場,參加周日的開幕式活動 | French artist Olivier Ferrieux (歐笠嵬) attends the opening of the exhibition on Sunday, Nov. 29, 2020. (Courtesy of Wang Chien-yu)


This original technique works particularly well with Kayoumin’s still images of objects, sculptures and other compositions that thrive with energy and colors. Most people don’t know but the artist drew most of his inspiration from negative snapshots of his daily life.

不少在台外國人、卡佑民的朋友於11月29日來到展場一同參與開幕式共襄盛舉。 | Some members and friends of the foreign community attend the opening of the exhibition on Sunday, Nov. 29, 2020. (Courtesy of Wang Chien-yu)
不少在台外國人、卡佑民的朋友於11月29日來到展場一同參與開幕式共襄盛舉。 | Some members and friends of the foreign community attend the opening of the exhibition on Sunday, Nov. 29, 2020. (Courtesy of Wang Chien-yu)


You can actually learn first hand about his work technique at the exhibition which features a small space that recreates his photography workshop and boasts many of the props and lights he used on his works. A short documentary also gives you a hint at the artist’s charming personality and creative spirit.

卡佑民的妻子(前排中),以及卡佑民的朋友們。| Kayoumin is survived by his wife, Tang Hsiang-yi, center in the front row, and his many, many friends. (Courtesy of Wang Chien-yu)
卡佑民的妻子(前排中),以及卡佑民的朋友們。| Kayoumin is survived by his wife, Tang Hsiang-yi, center in the front row, and his many, many friends. (Courtesy of Wang Chien-yu)


For Kayoumin, negative photography not only creates a multiplicity of interpretations of everything but also challenges our perception of the sensory world. In other words, it embodies a reflection on the relationship between the individual, nature and society.

「不僅止於負片 ━━ 卡佑民紀念展」還原卡佑民生前的攝影工作室 | “Not Totally Negative: In Memory of Kayoumin” features a small space that recreates his workshop. (Courtesy of Wang Chien-yu)
「不僅止於負片 ━━ 卡佑民紀念展」還原卡佑民生前的攝影工作室 | “Not Totally Negative: In Memory of Kayoumin” features a small space that recreates his workshop. (Courtesy of Wang Chien-yu)


This exhibition showcases three series of negative photography works, including “Deities Project,” “Still Life Series” and “Crystal Series.” In the words of two French people who have been living in Taiwan, the “Deities Project” presents the meaning behind the roles of deities playing in modern Taiwanese society.

誠空間 | 地址:105 臺北市台北市民生東路三段113巷7弄10號 | 8-10, Alley 7, Lane 113, Section 3, Minsheng East Road, Songshan District, Taipei City

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