困台英男自發撿淡水河垃圾 環保善行登上BBC版面

<p>英國帆船玩家彼得·洛伊(Peter Lowe)因疫情被困在台灣。| Peter Lowe from the U.K. was stranded in Taiwan due to the pandemic. (Screenshot taken from the BBC video)</p>

英國帆船玩家彼得·洛伊(Peter Lowe)因疫情被困在台灣。| Peter Lowe from the U.K. was stranded in Taiwan due to the pandemic. (Screenshot taken from the BBC video)

【看CP學英文】英國帆船玩家彼得·洛伊(Peter Lowe)因疫情被困在台灣,然而,滯留台灣的這段時間他一點都不浪費,去年中開始,他每天划著一艘小船在淡水河畔紅樹林撿垃圾,自發性的環保行動更讓他登上英國媒體BBC版面。

Peter Lowe from the U.K. was stranded in Taiwan due to the pandemic, but the time he has spent here wasn’t wasted for all that!

Since the middle of last year, he has collected trash in the mangrove forest in a boat along the Tamsui River, and his hard work has been featured on the BBC.


The British public service broadcaster reported on Wednesday that Peter, who is visiting his family in Taiwan, has been stuck here for months.

Last year, he bought a small boat and decided to clean up plastic waste in the mangrove forest between Guandu and Tamsui in northern Taiwan.

英國帆船玩家彼得·洛伊(Peter Lowe)因疫情被困在台灣。| Peter Lowe from the U.K. was stranded in Taiwan due to the pandemic. (Screenshot is taken from the BBC video)
英國帆船玩家彼得·洛伊(Peter Lowe)因疫情被困在台灣。| Peter Lowe from the U.K. was stranded in Taiwan due to the pandemic. (Screenshot is taken from the BBC video)


His self-initiated environmental action caught the locals’ attention, many of whom volunteered to join the mangrove cleanup.

Later, Peter’s efforts were reported by the local media and authorities which have launched a cleanup campaign as a result.


He told BBC that what he saw first was a beautiful river, beautiful wildlife.

“But having looked a little bit closer, then I started seeing rubbish in the river, plastic bottles and plastic hanging from the mangrove trees.”


“I thought, oh, this is a bit strange, so I started collecting rubbish from the river,” he said.

彼得·洛伊在淡水河畔撿垃圾 | Peter Lowe collected rubbish along the Tamshui river. (Screenshot is taken from the BBC video)
彼得·洛伊在淡水河畔撿垃圾 | Peter Lowe collected rubbish along the Tamshui river. (Screenshot is taken from the BBC video)


“I certainly thought that I don’t want to waste my time in Taiwan,” Peter said.

He suggested that people who are stuck in the same situations could do something positive and meaningful, especially something that would save and protect the Earth.

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