
<p>一名日本網友在論壇「 」分享剛出爐冰火菠蘿油的照片 | A Japanese social media user shared a photo of freshly baked pineapple bun on the forum “” (Screenshot from</p>

一名日本網友在論壇「 」分享剛出爐冰火菠蘿油的照片 | A Japanese social media user shared a photo of freshly baked pineapple bun on the forum “” (Screenshot from


The origin of the pineapple buns, which are often seen in Taiwan bakeries, is from Hong Kong. However, as the pineapple bun has taken Japan by storm in recent years, some Japanese bakeries have promoted their specialty as “Taiwan pineapple bun.”

This has drawn criticism from some social media users who claimed that it does not respect Hong Kong, the pineapple bun’s origin.

近日,一名日本網友在論壇「 」分享剛出爐冰火菠蘿油的照片,金黃酥脆的外皮,中間夾著一塊厚切奶油片,令不少網友垂涎三尺。

A Japanese social media user shared a photo of freshly baked pineapple bun on the forum “” The golden crispy crust with a piece of thick-cut cream in the middle has drawn much attention from social media users.

一名日本網友在論壇「 」分享剛出爐冰火菠蘿油的照片 | A Japanese social media user shared a photo of freshly baked pineapple bun on the forum “” (Screenshot from
一名日本網友在論壇「 」分享剛出爐冰火菠蘿油的照片 | A Japanese social media user shared a photo of freshly baked pineapple bun on the forum “” (Screenshot from


Alongside the photo, the caption says: “Super delicious; this is the most popular dessert ‘pineapple bun’ in Taiwan.”


Responding to the photo, some said that the calories must be very high, while others were shocked that the slice of butter piece is so thick.

One commented: “Place a piece of fresh butter inside salt-flavored bread which tastes just like the same.”


On the other hand, some noticed that the bag of pineapple reads “Taiwan pineapple bun,” with one saying that “I’ve seen such buns in Taiwan but they said it’s from Hong Kong.”


This is not the first time a Japanese store has said that pineapple oil originated in Taiwan.

Japanese bakery “c’est très fou ” launched the “Taiwan pineapple bun” in October last year. The bakery’s specialty’s bread crust is not like how Taiwanese made the bun, and a piece of butter is sandwiched inside.

The pineapple bun the bakery sold is Hong Kong’s pineapple bun.


Despite the official introduction that said the pineapple oil originated in Hong Kong, it still promotes the bun as Taiwanese desserts.

In response to the promotion on Twitter, many criticized that it’s not nice to name it as “Taiwanese pineapple bun” instead of Hong Kong.

One commented: “Even if the pineapple bun is sold in Taiwan, the store should mention that the food originates from Hong Kong.”

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