台灣之光!SparkCatch夜光棒球 經日本網紅介紹大熱門

<p>日本網紅TokusanTV首度介紹來自台灣的夜光棒球。|An ingenious baseball invention “Spark Catch” has been thrust into the spotlight after Japanese YouTuber, TokusanTV’s introduction.(圖片取自網路)</p>

日本網紅TokusanTV首度介紹來自台灣的夜光棒球。|An ingenious baseball invention “Spark Catch” has been thrust into the spotlight after Japanese YouTuber, TokusanTV’s introduction.(圖片取自網路)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】新發明!由台灣業者所開發的「夜光棒球」(Spark Catch)日前被日本著名YouTuber TokusanTV介紹,並且短時間就衝破10萬以上點閱率,獲得日本觀眾歡迎。

An ingenious baseball invention, “Spark Catch,” has been thrust into the spotlight thanks to a Japanese YouTuber, TokusanTV. In no time, the video was streamed more than 100,000 times, gaining the favors of many Japanese viewers.

「夜光棒球」(Spark Catch)是由發明人Link 和 Tim,身為廣大賣肝工作的上班族群之一,四年多前因為「真的好想在晚上下班後catch ball啊!」的念頭,就這麼熱血地決定著手研發顛覆市場的全新產品「Spark Catch夜光棒球」。

“Spark Catch” was invented by Link and Tim — two busy office employees. Their invention stemmed from a genuine desire: play catch ball after work at night. With this observation in mind, the “Spark Catch” — a sparkling baseball — was born.

Spark Catch夜光棒球|”Spark Catch” glow-in-the-dark baseball (Courtesy of Backer-Founder)
Spark Catch夜光棒球|”Spark Catch” glow-in-the-dark baseball (Courtesy of Backer-Founder)


A limited-edition of the “Spark Catch” was released this year in collaboration with a local baseball team, Lamigo. The ball was sold out within minutes. With this great start, the creators plan to release their product to the U.S. and Japan in hopes that it would reach a wider audience.

Spark Catch夜光棒球|”Spark Catch” glow-in-the-dark baseball (Courtesy of Backer-Founder)
Spark Catch夜光棒球|”Spark Catch” glow-in-the-dark baseball (Courtesy of Backer-Founder)

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