
<p>台灣藝術家楊惟竹創作的「歡迎來到我的房間」|Taiwanese artist Bamboo Yang’s work “Welcome to my room.” (Courtesy of Facebook/Bamboo’s WORK)</p>

台灣藝術家楊惟竹創作的「歡迎來到我的房間」|Taiwanese artist Bamboo Yang’s work “Welcome to my room.” (Courtesy of Facebook/Bamboo’s WORK)


Located in Lingya District in the southern city of Kaohsiung, Weiwuying Street Art Village has become the largest street art community in Taiwan. The village is a lively place where foreign and local street artists gather to create artworks on a variety of mediums, including walls.


Against this backdrop, this year’s Lingya Wallriors Street Art Festival has attracted 48 artists from 24 countries from around the world. Over the past four years, 106 wall paintings have been completed by various artists. In addition to telephone poles, electrical boxes and fences, a range of buildings, old and new, all boast new colors thanks to the annual festival. The whole village has been transformed into a large canvas.


The tallest mural painting in Taiwan, titled “Welcome to My Room,” stands beside the exit 5 of Kaohsiung Weiwuying MRT Station. Taiwanese artist Bamboo Yang created the three-story mural painting, which features the mural painting of a giant bookcase which has since become a landmark of the village.

台灣藝術家楊惟竹創作的「歡迎來到我的房間」|Taiwanese artist Bamboo Yang’s work “Welcome to my room.” (Courtesy of Facebook/Bamboo’s WORK)
台灣藝術家楊惟竹創作的「歡迎來到我的房間」|Taiwanese artist Bamboo Yang’s work “Welcome to my room.” (Courtesy of Facebook/Bamboo’s WORK)

彩繪牆主題包羅萬象、各具特色,像是柬埔寨藝術家Fonki的「媽祖」、義大利藝術家Tella「高雄之光」、阿根廷藝術家Elian Chali 「Sewing Corner」、以及法國藝術家Nicolas Barrome Forgues在澄清路9巷百米長柏油路上的塗鴉作品「年年有餘」。

The painted wall features various themes, such as Cambodian artist Fonki’s “Matsu,” Italian artist Tella’s “Light in Kaohsiung,” and Argentine artist Elian Chali’s “Sewing Corner.” Also, French artist Nicolas Barrome Forgues spent nine days completing the 100-meters-long street graffiti on Lane 9, Chengqing Road. The painting is titled “Every Year Has Fish.”

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