
<p>A social media user shared the alarming fee shown in an unnamed parking lot which claimed a driver parked there since 1899. (Photo courtesy of 《爆廢公社二館》/Facebook)</p>

A social media user shared the alarming fee shown in an unnamed parking lot which claimed a driver parked there since 1899. (Photo courtesy of 《爆廢公社二館》/Facebook)


With the advancement of technology, more and more parking lots have updated their systems so that drivers can not only pay by themselves or allow the computer to record their license plate automatically upon entering a parking lot for monthly payment.


A recent digital bug in a parking lot system, however, has led a social media user to share a funny experience of witnessing a driver in front of him being asked to pay a NT$100,000 parking fee.

這名車主在臉書社團《爆廢公社二館》貼出一張照片同時表示,自己當天原本打算到停車場繳停車費用,沒想到在全自動收費機前,剛好看到一位車主也要繳費,不過對方卻一直站在繳費機前呆站不動,於是決定上前關心查看。殊不知在收費機螢幕上卻顯示「進場時間:1899/12/30 00:00」,應繳的停車費用竟然要10萬元。

According to the social media user, he was waiting in line to pay for his parking fee when he noticed the person standing in front of him, staring at the monitor incredibly puzzled.

He went forth to ask what was wrong, only to see that the monitor claimed the driver entered the parking lot in 1899, with the fee culminating NT$100,000.


The social media user wrote that he immediately burst out laughing and asked the driver if he was a time traveler.

He quickly captured the incident and shared that the driver had also attempted to contact customer service but to no avail.

In the end, the social media user jokingly asked the driver if it would be easier to just pay the NT$100,000 fee.

Screengrab from《爆廢公社二館》/Facebook
Screengrab from《爆廢公社二館》/Facebook

不過這個「10萬停車費」也讓不少網友熱烈討論,其中就有不少網友逗趣回應「10萬要投多久」、「121年才十萬,可以的」、「穿越時空的停車費」、「這個真的不發呆不行欸 」、「有錢人的生活就是這麼樸實無華,連停車費都…」、「停車停到哪裡去了」、「這個是花錢贖車吧」。

The post immediately went viral with social media users wondering: “How long would it take for the machine to eat 1,000 NT$100 bills?”

Others added that “the fee is relatively cheap for someone who parked for 121 years”, while another jokingly called the incident: “the time-traveling parking fee.”

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