中部賞花景點:薰衣草森林 武陵櫻花浪漫登場

<p>漫步紫色花田享受芬芳|Tourists can stroll through the lavender fields while bathing in the sun with the earthy floral scents. (Courtesy of molly888666)</p>

漫步紫色花田享受芬芳|Tourists can stroll through the lavender fields while bathing in the sun with the earthy floral scents. (Courtesy of molly888666)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】中台灣地勢起伏大,盆地、丘陵到3000公尺以上高山平原孕育豐富生態,因此每到春暖花開的時節,各地繽紛花朵綻放,2月粉紅佳人盛放,3-4月則是賞薰衣草最佳時節,5月下起油桐花雪。Discover Taiwan將帶你到隱藏在台中新社深山的夢幻紫色山丘、全台最知名高山賞櫻景點武陵農場、鋪滿浪漫五月雪的牛耳藝術渡假村。

Central Taiwan offers a wide range of landscapes, including basins, hills and more than two hundred peaks standing at more 3,000 meters, as well as a variety of plant species. There is, therefore, little wonder that the various types of flowers take turns to bloom around spring. Cherry blossoms will bloom first in February, followed by lavender blossoms in March and April and the blooming tung oil trees in May. Discover Taiwan will take you to a hidden lavender cottage in the mountains in Xinshe District, Wuling farm, the top destination to see cherry blossoms, and the New Era Art Resort & SPA covered by floral blankets.

漫步紫色花田享受芬芳|Tourists can stroll through the <span>lavender fields</span> while bathing in the sun with the earthy floral scents. (Courtesy of molly888666)
漫步紫色花田享受芬芳|Tourists can stroll through the lavender fields while bathing in the sun with the earthy floral scents. (Courtesy of molly888666)


Surrounded by countless mountains, the lavender cottage boasts a 960-square-meters field filled to the brim with lavenders on the hilly slopes of the district with the trails weaving through a sea of violet flowers. Tourists can stroll through lavender fields while bathing in the sun with the earthy floral scents. Thanks to the clean environment, the herbs are mostly grown in the organic fields. What’s more? The firefly season begins in mid-April during which the insects’ bioluminescent glow can be seen amid lavender fields.

這裡的環境及水質乾淨,還有機種植的香草園區|hanks to the clean environment, the herbs are mostly grown in the organic fields.(Courtesy of lilianwang_tw)
這裡的環境及水質乾淨,還有機種植的香草園區|hanks to the clean environment, the herbs are mostly grown in the organic fields.(Courtesy of lilianwang_tw)


Don’t miss the tasty dishes made with all kinds of fresh herbs from the Lavender Cottage when you visit the beautiful garden. Besides, the garden offers different dining areas including the Grace Garden filled with vanilla aroma and cherry blossoms and a plaza surrounded by vanilla plantations and Balinese architecture. The fragrance that filled the whole garden makes the dining experience more pleasant.


To celebrate the annual Lavender Festival, the Lavender Cottage joined hands with a local milk brand and launched a special meal — spicy risotto with shrimps and mussels. The special meal is priced at NT$ 390 (US$ 12.84).

鮮蝦貽貝辣味飯 | Spicy risotto with shrimps and mussels (Courtesy of red)
鮮蝦貽貝辣味飯 | Spicy risotto with shrimps and mussels (Courtesy of red)



Next to the lavender field, the Roccoco-styled carousel becomes the best photoshoot location. While taking a ride on the carousel, visitors can breathe in the scents and enjoy the picturesque view.

The carousel opens from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. It runs every half hour and charges NT$50 (US$ 1.65) per person and per ride.

這座位於薰衣草梯田旁的旋轉木馬,有著洛可可藝術風格雕刻的夢幻造型 | Next to the lavender field, the Roccoco-styled carousel becomes the best photoshoot location.(Courtesy of red)
這座位於薰衣草梯田旁的旋轉木馬,有著洛可可藝術風格雕刻的夢幻造型 | Next to the lavender field, the Roccoco-styled carousel becomes the best photoshoot location.(Courtesy of red)
這座位於薰衣草梯田旁的旋轉木馬,有著洛可可藝術風格雕刻的夢幻造型 | Next to the lavender field, the Roccoco-styled carousel becomes the best photoshoot location.(Courtesy of molly888666)
這座位於薰衣草梯田旁的旋轉木馬,有著洛可可藝術風格雕刻的夢幻造型 | Next to the lavender field, the Roccoco-styled carousel becomes the best photoshoot location.(Courtesy of molly888666)


Six-hectares forest, a secret garden in Lavender Cottage, features more than 8,000 trees and a 200-meters-long wood path. It offers an excellent spot for visitors to slow down and experience the tranquility so rarely found in modern life.

佔地6公頃的大片森林,種植超過八千棵樹木,是薰衣草森林的秘密後花園 | Six-hectares forest, a secret garden in Lavender Cottage, features more than 8,000 trees and a 200-meters-long wood path.(Courtesy of resume 5588)
佔地6公頃的大片森林,種植超過八千棵樹木,是薰衣草森林的秘密後花園 | Six-hectares forest, a secret garden in Lavender Cottage, features more than 8,000 trees and a 200-meters-long wood path.(Courtesy of resume 5588)

來到薰衣草森林,別忘了拜訪年輪郵局,一張明信片,將旅途中的美好記錄下來,與親朋好友分享 ; 或是寄給未來的自己,以指定年月份寄送,給未來的自己一份驚喜。手寫明信片絕對是最有溫度的伴手禮。

Before leaving, don’t forget to write postcards in a wooden post office to share the happy travel memories with your family and friends. Also, you can send a postcard to your future self as a surprise. Either way, the handwritten postcard will be the warmest gift ever.

別忘了拜訪年輪郵局,寄一張明信片給親朋好友或是未來的自己|Before leaving, don’t forget to write postcards in a wooden post office to share the happy travel memories with your family and friends.(Courtesy of resume5588)
別忘了拜訪年輪郵局,寄一張明信片給親朋好友或是未來的自己|Before leaving, don’t forget to write postcards in a wooden post office to share the happy travel memories with your family and friends.(Courtesy of resume5588)
寫好明信片後,將滿滿的願望祝福投入幸福信箱。|After the postcards writing is done, you can put them in the mailboxes. (Courtesy of molly888666)
寫好明信片後,將滿滿的願望祝福投入幸福信箱。|After the postcards writing is done, you can put them in the mailboxes. (Courtesy of molly888666)


網址:https://www.lavendercottage.com.tw/zh-tw/ | Website: https://dreamdancer1109.wixsite.com/english

地址:台中市新社區中興街20號 |Address: No. 20, Zhongxing St., Xinshe Dist., Taichung City 426, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

票價:進入園區須購買入園券入園券150元,贈森林幣乙枚,不分假日或平日,森林幣乙枚可折抵園區消費100元|Ticket: NT$150 (US$4.95) / per person, including an NT$100 coupon, which can be used in the park

開放時間:週一至週五10:30 – 18:30 ; 週六至週日10:00 – 18:30 |Opening hours: 10:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. on weekdays, 10 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. on weekend


When April is just around the corner, the central part of the island is covered with a white blanket — Tung blossoms, followed by various celebrations of the tung blossoms. Located at Puli Township, Nantou County, New Era Art Resort & SPA covering 20,000 hectares grassland and thousands of tung oil trees is one of the top spots to enjoy the “April Snow.”

位在南投埔里的牛耳渡假村是欣賞四月雪的最佳地點之一。|New Era Art Resort & SPA is one of the top spots to enjoy the “April Snow.”(Courtesy of New Era Art Resort & SPA)
位在南投埔里的牛耳渡假村是欣賞四月雪的最佳地點之一。|New Era Art Resort & SPA is one of the top spots to enjoy the “April Snow.”(Courtesy of New Era Art Resort & SPA)


In addition to the white flowers, there are stone sculptures created by local artist Lin and every piece of art in the resort has a story. What’s more? After walking around and having fun, you can have a revitalizing spa treatment and enjoy the sauna to relieve your stress and anxiety.

將桐花排成浪漫小愛心別有一番情趣 | Heart shaped white flowers (Courtesy of New Era Art Resort & SPA)
將桐花排成浪漫小愛心別有一番情趣 | Heart shaped white flowers (Courtesy of New Era Art Resort & SPA)
油桐花又被稱為四月雪|”April Snow” refers to the tung blossoms. (Courtesy of New Era Art Resort & SPA)
油桐花又被稱為四月雪|”April Snow” refers to the tung blossoms. (Courtesy of New Era Art Resort & SPA)

南投埔里的牛耳渡假村 | Information

地址:南投縣埔里鎮中山路四段1號 | Address: No. 1, Sec. 4, Zhongshan Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County 545, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

門票:全票200元、優待票100元 | Ticket: Regular ticket is priced at NT$200 (US$ 6.59), concession ticket is priced at NT$100 (US$ 3.29)

網站:http://www.neweraart.com.tw | Website :http://www.neweraart.com.tw


Wuling Farm, standing at 1,750-2,200 meters, is home to Taiwan cherry and Wusheh cherry. Besides, the farm offers a well-facilitated campsite, allowing tourists to enjoy nature.

When you visit the farm, don’t forget to check out the tea plantation and campsite on the farm. They are the best spots to enjoy the fully blooming cherry trees, offering densely packed, soft-pink petals. Also, there are cameras installed around the aforesaid two spots so that people can check out whether flowers are blooming.

武陵農場是全台知名賞櫻景點之一|Wuling Farm is one of the most famous spots to enjoy <span>cherry blossoms</span>. (Courtesy of Wuling Farm)
武陵農場是全台知名賞櫻景點之一|Wuling Farm is one of the most famous spots to enjoy cherry blossoms. (Courtesy of Wuling Farm)
武陵農場是全台知名賞櫻景點之一|Wuling Farm is one of the most famous spots to enjoy cherry blossoms. (Courtesy of Wuling Farm)
武陵農場是全台知名賞櫻景點之一|Wuling Farm is one of the most famous spots to enjoy cherry blossoms. (Courtesy of Wuling Farm)


Aside from the beautiful pink petals, another beloved flower of spring – wisteria, will bloom in March and April and create a dreamy purple flower tunnel in Wuling Farm. Luckily, the pink and violet flowers weave together in the garden, making it a gorgeous garden space.

除櫻花外,3、4月浪漫紫藤花在茶園步道的紫藤棚架盛開。| Aside from the beautiful pink petals, another beloved flower of spring – wisteria, will bloom in March and April. (Courtesy of Wuling Farm)
除櫻花外,3、4月浪漫紫藤花在茶園步道的紫藤棚架盛開。| Aside from the beautiful pink petals, another beloved flower of spring – wisteria, will bloom in March and April. (Courtesy of Wuling Farm)
幸運的話,可見到粉櫻、紫藤交織出如夢境般的場景!| Luckily, the pink and violet flowers weave together in the garden, making it a gorgeous garden space. (Courtesy of Wuling Farm)
幸運的話,可見到粉櫻、紫藤交織出如夢境般的場景!| Luckily, the pink and violet flowers weave together in the garden, making it a gorgeous garden space. (Courtesy of Wuling Farm)

武陵農場資訊 | Information

地址:台中市和平區平等里武陵路3-1號 | No.3-1, Wuling Rd., Heping District, Taichung City

門票:平日票價130元/人 假日160元/人 | Ticket: NT$130 (US$4.28)/per person weekdays; NT$160 (US$5.27)/per person on weekend

網站:https://www.wuling-farm.com.tw/tw | Website: https://www.wuling-farm.com.tw/lang/index.php

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