
<p>現在才大二的Phan Hằng憑著天使般的側顏和清純的氣質,才剛入學就造成轟動,在開學典禮時遭到偷拍而一夕爆紅。(圖/翻攝自IG)|Phan Hằng became an instant sensation when she was photographed in a sneak peek during a commencement ceremony. (photo courtesy/ IG)</p>

現在才大二的Phan Hằng憑著天使般的側顏和清純的氣質,才剛入學就造成轟動,在開學典禮時遭到偷拍而一夕爆紅。(圖/翻攝自IG)|Phan Hằng became an instant sensation when she was photographed in a sneak peek during a commencement ceremony. (photo courtesy/ IG)

現在才大二的Phan Hằng憑著天使般的側顏和清純的氣質,才剛入學就造成轟動,在開學典禮時遭到偷拍而一夕爆紅,隨之而來的大品牌如知名電腦、服飾品牌和化妝品平面拍攝代言,讓她未滿20歲時就已受到大眾關注。

Phan Hằng, a college sophomore, became an instant sensation after she was secretly photographed during a commencement ceremony.

The photographs later helped her sign several endorsements by major brands, such as leading computer, clothing, and cosmetics brands, as well as raise her public profile, making her an online sensation before the age of 20.

由於挺鼻、雙眼皮和白皙肌膚,Phan Hằng的天使臉孔可以說幾乎找不到瑕疵,而因為勤於鍛鍊,Phan Hằng的身材也找不到一絲贅肉,她也時常在社群平台放上自己運動時的生活點滴。

With her prominent nose, double eyelids and fair skin, Phan Hằng’s angelic face is almost flawless. Thanks to her hard workouts (she often shares her workout routines on social media), she has also maintained a fit figure.

現在才大二的Phan Hằng憑著天使般的側顏和清純的氣質,才剛入學就造成轟動,在開學典禮時遭到偷拍而一夕爆紅。(圖/翻攝自IG)|Phan Hằng became an instant sensation after she was photographed during her commencement ceremony. (photo courtesy
現在才大二的Phan Hằng憑著天使般的側顏和清純的氣質,才剛入學就造成轟動,在開學典禮時遭到偷拍而一夕爆紅。(圖/翻攝自IG)|Phan Hằng became an instant sensation after she was photographed during her commencement ceremony. (photo courtesy

而身為一名在學生,Phan Hằng上課時、參與團體討論和上台報告的倩影都被台下的學生拍起來,不論何時何地都猶如仙子一般的氣場讓她粉絲高漲,成立社群平台沒有很久,就已坐擁超過41萬名粉絲。

Phan Hằng is often photographed by her classmates, especially when she participates in group discussions or gives presentations on stage. Her forever fairy-like appearance has made her popularity soar, gaining over 410,000 followers in a short period.

目前Phan Hằng在閒暇之餘會接當地潮牌服飾拍攝和各種角色COSplay,例如公主穿搭、古代漢服和旗袍等等,不論什麼服裝套在她身上都顯得清新脫俗,足見Phan Hằng臉蛋的魅力無法擋。

Phan Hằng is currently a student and in her spare time, she does fashion shoots for local brands as well as cosplay shoots in various characters and themes, including princesses, ancient Chinese costumes, cheongsams, and more.

No matter what costume she wears, she looks fresh and unconventional, making fans praise her mesmerizing facial feature and charisma.