老外看台灣/德國型男耗時八個月空拍絕美台灣 網友:直接當觀光局廣告

【看CP學英文】生於波蘭YouTuber兼專業攝影師Nomad Miroslaw Wawak自小於德國長大,化名為「One Man Wolf Pack」的他於2013年毅然決然離開成長家鄉德國,踏上環遊世界的旅程,安排行程時,身為科技迷的他決定把台灣列入旅行清單內。

Travel blogger and Youtuber Nomad Miroslaw Wawak, also known as “One Man Wolf Pack,” started going traveling around the world in 2013. Taiwan, a destination he added on his trip, attracted him for its tech industry and tropical climate.

Wawak去年上傳的影片「Drone Footage | Falling in love with TAIWAN 」中,以壯觀空拍畫面搭配滂薄背景音樂,捕捉台灣從北到南各大景點,包括太魯閣、日月潭、墾丁國家公園、都蘭、基隆、福隆、三仙台、蘇澳等等。

Wawak’s video “Drone Footage | Falling in love with Taiwan” was released last year. In the 5-minute video, he used aerial shots to capture Taiwan from north to south including Taipei, Kaohsiung, Taroko Gorge, Hualien, Sun Moon Lake, Kenting National Park, Donghe, Dulan, Fulong, Keelung, Sanxiantai, Suao and more spots in eastern Taiwan and southern Taiwan.

清水斷崖|Ch’ing-shui Cliff (Screenshot taken from the video)
清水斷崖|Ch’ing-shui Cliff (Screenshot taken from the video)
日月潭|Sun Moon Lake (Screenshot taken from the video)
日月潭|Sun Moon Lake (Screenshot taken from the video)

驚艷影片引起網友熱烈討論「謝謝你把台灣拍的這麼美 這片給觀光局當廣告都行了」、「台灣真的太美啦!」、「謝謝你把台灣拍的這麼美 這片給觀光局當廣告都行了」。

In response to the video, many commented that “Taiwan is a beautiful country.” One said the best drone shots ever while another said, “Thank you for making such a beautifully filmed video and I think this could be used as a commercial for the Tourism Bureau.”

A picture taken at Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall. (Courtesy of One Man Wolf Pack)
A picture taken at Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall. (Courtesy of One Man Wolf Pack)
北宜公路|Beiyi Highway (Screenshot taken from the video)
北宜公路|Beiyi Highway (Screenshot taken from the video)


Originally, Wawak planned to stay in Taiwan for a week; however, due to a cyclone in the Philippines at the time, he was able to stay another two and a half weeks following a short trip to Japan. As a result, Wawak spent a total of four weeks in Taiwan by the end of 2013.

龍虎塔|Dragon and Tiger Pagodas(Screenshot taken from the video)
龍虎塔|Dragon and Tiger Pagodas(Screenshot taken from the video)

「當我一離開台灣,我幾乎當下立馬申請到台北的交換學生計畫,因為我真的超想回到台灣的。」Wawak熱切地向The China Post說道。

“Once I left Taiwan, I almost immediately applied for an exchange semester in Taipei, since I wanted to go back to Taiwan badly,” Wawak said.

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One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage



You will find a full overview over One Man Wolf Pack’s all videos from his beloved Taiwan in an overview here: www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/taiwan/

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