My 高跟鞋日記, everyday都很amazing!


When I was living in New York City, there was a time in my life when I wore high heels everyday. I had just moved to New York City from California. Around my second week at work, my boss suggested that trade in my flats for a pair of heels. Heels actually make our walk more attractive. They make women more feminine and you can dress up any outfit with a pair of heels. They also give you more height to tower over people.

My 高跟鞋日記, everyday都很amazing!
My 高跟鞋日記, everyday都很amazing!

如果說起投資高跟鞋,大家首屆一指都會說Roger Vivier!品牌在1954年推出了歷史上第一雙細跟高跟鞋。Vivier先生用了塑料的新技術為高跟鞋創造了足夠的高度;經過這麼多年,非凡出色的高跟鞋設計師陸續發跡,Christian Louboutin, Nicholas Kirkwood, Aleaxndre Birman等等,不及備載。而其中,我個人最愛的就是Manolo Blahnik!

People often give Roger Vivier the credit of inventing the stiletto heel. Vivier debuted the needle heel in 1954.He used plastic innovations to create an extremely slender heel with enough strength.Throughout the years, there have been a number of incredible shoe designers, Christian Louboutin, Nicholas Kirkwood, Aleaxndre Birman to name a few. One of my personal favorites is Manolo Blahnik.

My 高跟鞋日記, everyday都很amazing!
My 高跟鞋日記, everyday都很amazing!


It was quite interesting to learn that the first pairs of shoes that Blank designed in 1971 for the runway were unwearable. Since he had no foundation in footwear design, he didn't know that the heels needed a metal rod for support. The models were wobbling down the runway. It was quite a sight! Many would have given up, but Blahnik worked even harder.

My 高跟鞋日記, everyday都很amazing!
My 高跟鞋日記, everyday都很amazing!


With his determination and passion, its not wonder that his company has been on top for over 40 years. Blahnik created something that every designer wanted to do. He created a classic which I love. It’s the Hangisi pump. Each buckle is handmade and has 144 crystals.

My 高跟鞋日記, everyday都很amazing!
My 高跟鞋日記, everyday都很amazing!

即便到了現在,如今已高齡70歲的Blahnik先生,仍然堅持手繪草圖,再比照完成稿製成。他要求精確、品質與獨特性。我在時尚產業多年,真心覺得很神奇,會穿Manolo Blahnik的女性不侷限任何一種型,也從未特定一種族群。他的鞋,適合每個你。我想,這份成就歸功於,他真的很懂很懂女人的心!

Up until this very day, the 70 year old designer works on every last design from the sketch to the wood lasts to the heels. He demands authenticity, quality and uniqueness. I have been in the fashion industry for a long time, and it is quite amazing that the Manolo Blahnik girl doesn’t fit in one style type, or demographic. They fit everyone. He really has a deep understanding of what women want.

My 高跟鞋日記, everyday都很amazing!
My 高跟鞋日記, everyday都很amazing!


最後和大家分享前些日子參加vogue舉辦的社群名人頒獎典禮,當天我也是穿著Manolo Blahnik的鞋款出席活動。整場典禮下來,除了替我增加優雅之外,也完美支撐,一點都不覺得痛。舒適,就是Manolo Blahnik一直能深受喜愛的原因之一。

My 高跟鞋日記, everyday都很amazing!
My 高跟鞋日記, everyday都很amazing!

※圖片+文字:Vogue 風格達人-CrystalLee




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